Mutlipe VC numbers on the page
by Bonnie123
How do we determine which VC number to use when there are more than one on a page. This one shows 81 on the right side, 2 on the right bottom, and 628 on the bottom of the left side. This one already had 81 inputted so I left it, but it would be helpful to know how we are to determine what is correct in the future. Thanks so much!
by kathcas79 scientist
Hi Bonnie - The VC on this sheet is 81 (Berwickshire) for both collection events. The VC number nearly always has the VC prefix and are marked along on the the right hand margin of the sheet. The other numbers you see marked on this sheet in pencil are not VC numbers; these are curatorial annotations that may refer to catalogues for the UK flora for example, and are usually marked in the corners of the sheet. Hope that helps!
by Bonnie123
@kathcas79: Thanks so much!