Orchid Observers Talk

"My orchids?"

  • PTF1 by PTF1

    As a new user of this website, I have some photos to upload, and am wondering if I can later see the ones I have uploaded. Maybe a function like Profile>My uploads?
    Is this a function which can be accessed, or could be considered?
    Thanks for any feedback,


  • kathcas79 by kathcas79 scientist

    Hello PTF - welcome to Orchid Observers! Once you have uploaded your photos they will appear on the 'Identify' page shortly afterwards (we post newly uploaded photos to the page every few days or so). All field photos are then available for both the photo contributors and online participants to identify species and flowering stage, and tag any insects. You can view all your classifications (for both the transcription of herbarium specimens and field photos) on your 'Profile' page. We have certain space limitations on the web pages, but we can investigate your suggestion of a 'my uploads' section - thanks!


  • PTF1 by PTF1

    Thanks for the reply More pictures from my archive (1993) coming soon...
